Hello readers Speech is a spoken expression of ideas, opinions, etc. That is made by someone who is speaking in front of a group of people. - Definition : Speech is an activity of speaking in public or giving speeches to express their opinions, or to give an idea about something. Speech is usually performed by a person who gives speeches and statements about things / events that are important and should be discussed. Speech is usually used by a leader to lead and giving speeches in front of many of his men or the general public. A good speech can give a positive impression to the people who heard the speech. Ability to speak a good speech or in public / public can help to achieve a good career. ■Purpose: Speech generally do one or more of the following: 1. Influencing others to want to follow our willingness with volunteer. 2. Giving an understanding or information to others. 3. Making other people happy with an entertaining speech so other people happy and satisfied with ...