hellow everyone, back again on my blog. this time I will discuss the explanation text. let's read and see the explanation from me. Happy reading.
Definition of Explanation Text
In this section we will discuss the meaning of Explanation Text. What is meant by Explanation Text ? What is meant by Explanation Text is a text that is used to explain the way (process) something happens, especially those related to natural phenomena, the scientific world or socio-culture. The goal is to tell the reader or listener how something happened. An explanation text usually comes from the author's question regarding 'why' and 'how' regarding an existing phenomenon.
Purpose of Explanation Text
The purpose of the Explanation Text is to explain the processes that occur in the formation of something or activity related to natural, social, scientific, cultural, and other phenomena that aim to explain why and how it happened.
Explanation Text Characteristics
Explanation text has the following characteristics:
Using the Simple Present Tense
The use of simple present tense is because the explanation text contains the facts of an incident or action.
Using Passive Voice
In the explanation text there must be a sentence passive voice. Why? because this text aims to explain an event or action (object) rather than its subject.
Using Chronological Connectors
Almost all texts use chronological connectors. Examples of chronological connectors: First, Second, After that. Next, Then, Finally, etc.
Using Nouns, Pronouns, and Action Verbs
Explanation text is the same as any other text which consists of various nouns, pronouns (subject pronoun, object pronoun, possessive pronoun), action verbs.
Types of Explanation Text
here are the types:
Sequential Explanation
Factorial Explanation
Theoretical Explanations
Causal Explanation
Causal Explanation is the nature of explanation that progressively explains the origin or cause of changes in a problem. For example, the landslide process.
Sequential explanation is a type of explanation that describes the details of the stages of a phenomenon. For example, the sequence of the life cycle in the form of a food chain.
Factorial explanation is a type of explanation that describes the effect and outcome of a process. For example, regarding the effects of colonialism.
Theoretical Explanation is a type of explanation that contains the possibility of speculation that might occur behind natural phenomena. For example, the eruption of Mount Merapi could trigger another devastating natural disaster.
generic structure of explanation text
general statement : The first paragraph has a general statement that introduces or identifies the scientific or technical phenomenon. It gives the audience a brief introduction to the event or thing and an understanding of the type of text that is to follow.
a sequenced: The explanation sequence should consist of a series of happenings, actions, causes or processes that are the focus of the text type. This chain of actions, causes or events results in the phenomenone about which the explanation is written.
Purpose of Explanation Text
Explanation is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural, social, scientific, and cultural phenomena.
To explain how or why something happens.
According to Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson (1997: 82) says that the explanation text type is often used to tell how and why thing (phenomena) occur in nature.
Language Features of Explanation Text
In an explanation text, there are linguistic features as below :
– Using simple present tense
– Using abstract noun (no visible noun)
– Using Passive voice
– Using Action verbs
– Containing explanation of the process ..
Forming Passive Voice
Passive Voice
The teacher is going to explain the lesson.
The lesson is going to be explained by the teacher
She closed the door
The door was
example of explanation text
1. how rain is formed
The phenomenon of rain is actually a water circle. ... The water vapor rises into the Earth's atmosphere. The water in the atmosphere cools and condenses into liquid droplets. The droplets grow until they are heavy and fall to the earth as precipitation which can be in the form of rain or snow
2. How Does Rain Happen
We all know that rain is primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world, providing suitable condition for diverse ecosystems. Rain is water that descends from the sky through several processes until the rain occurs. Do you know how does rain happen?
Sumber gambar: reference.com
The phenomenon of rain is actually a water circle. The concept of water circle includes the sun heating the Earth’s water surface and causing the water surface to evaporate. Earth’s water includes water from lake, river, and ocean. Then, the water vapor experiences condensation and becomes condensed vapor. Condensed vapor is formed from droplets so that when the air temperature is higher, it makes the droplets gather, condensed and formed into clouds. The presence of winds helps clouds move and gather in other places that have lower temperatures. At that time, the droplets become heavier and unstoppable and cause the droplets to fall so that there is rain.
If the droplets drop in an area with very cold temperatures, the droplets will drop as snow. However, not all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporates while falling through dry air. This is called Virga, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert regions.
The generic structure
A General Statement
We all know that rain is primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world, providing suitable condition for diverse ecosystems. Rain is water that descends from the sky through several processes until the rain occurs. Do you know how does rain happen?
A Sequenced of Explanation
The phenomenon of rain is actually a water circle. The concept of water circle includes the sun heating the Earth’s water surface and causing the water surface to evaporate. Earth’s water includes water from lake, river, and ocean. Then, the water vapor experiences condensation and becomes condensed vapor. Condensed vapor is formed from droplets so that when the air temperature is higher, it makes the droplets gather, condensed and formed into clouds. The presence of winds helps clouds move and gather in other places that have lower temperatures. At that time, the droplets become heavier and unstoppable and cause the droplets to fall so that there is rain.
If the droplets drop in an area with very cold temperatures, the droplets will drop as snow. However, not all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporates while falling through dry air. This is called Virga, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert regions.
Menggunakan Simple Present Tense
Dapat kita lihat bahwa semua kalimat pada teks tersebut menggunakan Simple Present Tense.
Menggunakan Action Verbs. Contohnya, experiences dan drop.
Menggunakan Passive Voices. Contohnya, “Condensed vapor is formed from droplets so that when the air temperature is higher…”.
Menggunakan Noun Phrases. Contohnya, Earth’s water surface.
Menggunakan Technical Terms. Contohnya, evaporate, condensation, dan Virga.
Berisi penjelasan mengenai proses terjadinya hujan.
To be clearer, please see the video below
That’s all the explanation from my blog. Hopefully it can be understood and get benefits for readers. That’s all and thank you. 😊😊💚💚💓💓
Name: Raden Ajeng Kartini Place and date of birth: Jepara, Central Java, 21 April 1879 Place and date of death: Rembang, Central Java, 17 September 1984 Age: 25 years Parents’ name Father: Raden Mas Adipati Ario Sosroningrat Mother: M.A Ngasirah Family’s name Husband: K.R.M. Adipati Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat Child: Raden Mas Soesalit R.A Kartini’s Childhood Raden Adjeng Kartini was born in Jepara on April 21, 1876. She comes from a noble family. Her father, Raden Mas Adipati Ario Sosroningrat is a regent who governed Jepara at that time. While her mother, MA Ngasirah descended from the common people. Like the other children from noble descent in general, she lived in prosperity and strict Javanese rules. She is the 5th child of 11 brothers and sisters coming from her biological and stepmother. Among her siblings from her biological mother, she is the eldest daughter. R.A Kartini studied in the ELS School (Europese Lagere School). She studied Dutch language there, so th...
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