writing letter

  hello everyone today i will explain writing letter.

    writing letter is used for communication before the modern technology, even now letter are still being   used . now lets move on to the explanation


 letter can be written with handwritting,and can be send with an envlope, or sent to the recipient via mail 

now that email and text have become a norm communication, today a lot of our communication , especially the formal kind, thats why letters are still important today

Social function

Definition of personal letter is an informal written message between friends, relatives, and acquaintances. The purpose of personal letter is to inform that the receiver that the sender wants to tell an important thing like personal feelings, thoughts, or experiences, which are meant to be read by a specific person.

Types of letters

Formal letter

A Letter written for a formal purpose is called a Formal letter. It addresses a serious issue

1.letter to editor

2. Letter to the Government

3. Letter to the police

4.letter to principal

5.order letter

6.complaint letter

7.inquiry letter

8. Business letter

9.letter to bank

Informal Letter Writing - A Letter written for an informal purpose is called an Informal letter. It is written for a casual purpose.

1. Letter to parents
2. Letter to siblings
3. Letter to friends
4. Letter to classmates
5. Letter to neighbours

Formal Letter Format

As we said earlier, a formal letter must follow certain rules and conventions. Such a format helps in relaying the information in a professional way. It must be remembered that there are various such formats for formal letters that people follow. The one explained here is the one most commonly used for formal communicationthese days.

A formal letter has a format which needs to be followed. A typical formal letter format is

  1. Sender’s address
  2. Date
  3. Name / Designation of Addressee
  4. Address of the Addressee
  5. Salutation
  6. Subject
  7. Body – Introduction, Content, Conclusion
  8. Complimentary Close
  9. Signature / Name of the Sender
  10. Designation of the Sender

informal Letter Format 


The first thing to write is your address, i.e. the address of the writer (basically, the sender’s address). We usually write the address on the left-hand side of the page at the very top. The address should be accurate and complete.

Even when writing to close friends or relatives the address must be written, so they can reply back to the letter with ease. If the recipient of the letter is in another country, do not forget to write your country as well in the address.

Informal Letter Format - Date

Next just below the address we write the date. This allows the reader to have a reference as to when the informal letter was written. He can then relate better to the contents of the letter. The date, preferably, shold be in expanded form.


Informal Letter Format - Greeting

Now since you know the person you are writing to, the greeting can be informal as well. If it is a friend or someone close to your age you can greet them by their first name, like “Dear Alex”.

If you are writing to your relative like your mother/father/aunt/uncle etc, you may greet them as such, for example, “Dear Mom”. And if you are writing to an elder person, someone you respect greatly you can address them as Mr or Mrs. Like say for example you were writing a congratulatory letter to your teacher, it can be addressed as “Dear Mrs. Alex”.



Informal Letter Format - Introductory Paragraph

And now we begin writing the actual letter. The introductory paragraph sets the tone for the whole letter. You might begin by asking the recipient about their well being. Or you may say that you hope the letter finds them in good health and great spirits. The opening of informal letters should be casual and comforting. It must not be formal and direct as in business letters.


Body of the Letter

The letter overall should maintain a friendly tone. But you have to adjust the language and the wordings according to who you are writing to. With a friend, you can afford to be very casual and flippant even. But if you are writing to an elder relative, you must be extremely respectful and considerate.
One way to determine the tonality of your letter is to remember how you talk to the person in a conversation. And then apply the same syntax and sentiments to the letter.


Informal Letter Format - Conclusion

In the conclusive paragraph sum up the reason for writing the letter, i.e. summarize the letter. Say a meaningful and affectionate goodbye to the reader. And do not forget to invite the reader to write back or reply to your letter. It shows an intention to keep the conversation going.



There is no one way to sign off informal letters. Since they do not follow a strict format, you may sign off as you please. Some commonly used phrases are

  1. Lots of Love
  2. Best,
  3. Best Wishes,
  4. Kind Regards,
  5. Kindly,

I'm sorry about...
I am sorry that...
I'm very sorry about...
I'm very sorry for...
Please forgive me for...
I'd like to apologize for...
Please accept my apologies.
Please accept my sincere apologies. (very formal)

Asking for Help
I'd be grateful if you could...
I would be grateful if you could...
I would appreciate it if you could...
Could you please...
I was wondering of you could help me.(informal)
I would like to know...

Asking for Information
I am writing to enquire about...
I am writing to find out about...
What I am looking for is...
I would like to know about/if...


Next, this is an example of a letter that I have made

1. Heading 

the heading is on the top the sentence to my bestfriend Agatha.

2. Date 

the date is after the heading

3. Greeting 

The greetings I use here are greeting of friendship and Hi.

4. content

the content contains how i feel about my bestfriend agatha sentences 

that belong to this structure is dear Agatha, how are you? how is weather there? i hope you are healthy and happy. Are you still playing music? i want to hear it you know. I wish we can meet someday, it has been 3 years that we have been friend. Since we split,we can only communicate with letter and phone. I really want to meet and talk to you in person and hang out with you again. Someday, i really hope you are taking good care of yourself. Have a really good day agatha!. I hope you answer my letter. See you soon..

5. Closing 
 This closing is the closing part of the letter which contains the words to end a letter.
6. Signature

 This signature contains my name (Aulia)I sent the letter to my friend.

Dearni: : "hi , Aul . what are you writing ?"
Aul : "I'm writing a letter to my bestfriend"
Dearni : "What is her name ?  how long have you been friends ?"
Aul : "his name is agatha, we have been friends for 3 years"
Dearni : "Wow, it's been a long time"
Aul: "How about you ?  have you ever written a letter ?"
Dearni : "I once wrote a letter to my best friend.  I can't meet her because of Corona :( "
Aul : "Is it true ?  Too bad, I hope you can meet him again"
Dearni : "thank you, i hope you also meet your best friend soon"



The reason I made this is dearni asked me what I was writing, I was writing a letter to my friend, I asked dearni if he ever wrote a letter, he answered yes to his friend but did not meet due to pandemic.

That's all from my explanation, hopefully everything can be understood.Thank you for visiting my blog , see u next time~


  1. the blog material is complete, easy to understand, there is a video too, everything is good. good job aulia


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