Exposition text

  definition exposition text:
exposition text is a sentences that aim to explain one point from the reader,it is made to make it easier to the reader

if you search definition about exposition text it will show that exposition text is a description, so in conclusion exposition text is to  describe a topic 

the purpose of exposition text
To convince the readers that there is an important thing to consider

types of exposition text
there are two types
-analytical exposition (argumentative)
-hortatory exposition (persuasion)

analytical exposition text
 analytical exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to persuade the listeners or readers that something is the case. ... This type of text can be found in scientific books, journals, magazines, newspaper articles, academic speech or lectures
 research report etc.

hortatory exposition text
hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done. In other words, the main function of Hortatory Exposition text is to persuade the readers or listener that something should or should not be the case.

characteristic of exposition text

– Using relational process

– Using internal conjunction

– Using causal conjunction

– Using Simple Present Tense

– Using compound and complex sentence.

– Use word that link argument, such as firstly, secondly, and reasoning through causal conjunction, such as in addition, furthermore, however, therefore.

Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition

1. Thesis : Introduces the topic and shows speaker or writer's position;
Outlines of the arguments are presented.
2. Arguments : It consists about Point and Elaboration
Point, states the main argument
Elaboration, develops and supports each point of argument
3. Conclusion : Reiteration (restatement), restates speaker or writer's position

B. Generic Features of Analytical Exposition

An analytical exposition focuses on generic human and non human participants.

  1. It uses mental processes. It is used to state what the writer or speaker thinks or feels about something. For example: realize, feel etc.
  2. It uses emotive and evaluative words
  3. It often needs material processes. It is used to state what happens, e.g. ....has polluted... etc.
  4. It usually uses Simple Present Tense and Present Perfect Tense.
  5. Enumeration is sometimes necessary to show the list of given arguments: Firstly, secondly ..., Finally, etc.  
language features or linguistic elements of exposition text

  • Example:
  • Conjunctions (or joining words) join one part.
  • Modal verbs express the writer's attitude to.
  • Evaluative language suggests the degree of.
  • Thinking verbs.
  • Connective words link ideas in an argument.

Generalized participants

Usually, this element appears when the writing is about things that are difficult to describe physically. Therefore, the exposition text will display words like issues, opinion, ideas , and others.

Emotive Words

This one element is used to touch the emotions of the text reader. Not only to create sympathy, sometimes we can also use it to make the reader reject an idea. The words that usually appear and are grouped into this category are for example, innocent, concern, monster , and others.

Technical Terms

From the name, you must understand what this is, right? True, this is a special term that is only found on the topic under discussion. For example, if there is an exposition of text that discusses computers, you will definitely encounter words such as motherboard, resolutions, processor, operating system and others.


Can also be called a liaison, because its function is to connect. This one element consists of words which are conjunctions. For example, therefore, because of, furthermore, moreover , and others.

These words function to connect two or more sentences. And, this is one of the most important elements in text exposition. Why?

Sentences are connected properly, will create a flow or current reading palatable to follow readers. With this good flow , writers can easily convey their ideas. In fact, writers who can take advantage of this flow , can strongly implant their ideas in the minds of readers.


The last is the type of grammar used. In general, most exposition text uses the Simple Present Tense . In addition, there are also many passive sentences in this text.

The use of these two types of sentences is very reasonable, because the main purpose of exposition text is to explain or describe an idea or fact. So, this type of grammar is suitable for the purposes of this explanation.

One more feature that you may also need to know is the use of the word " you ". Mostly, exposition text does not use this word. The author prefers to use the word " we " rather than " you". Why?

As we have already explained, the main purpose of exposition text is to convey an idea and if possible make the reader agree with the idea. The word "you" signifies one person. Meanwhile, "we" is a plural or compound indication.

This means that by using "we", the writer will make you, as a reader, feel that the idea is also approved by many people. By strengthening this element of generalization, the writer will find it easier to invite readers to also agree to the author's opinion.

It just doesn't make sense. However, behind a text, there is a strong psychological element. After all, text was made to convey a message, right? And, whether the message is accepted or not, is influenced by the state of mind and heart of the reader, which is an element in the field of psychology.

to be clearer. please see the video below.


Example video about Exposition Text

My example exposition text :

Power Benefits of Water

Water has many benefits, including a system that loses after a day of activity. But there are some problems that are often ignored by humans, namely lazy to drink water.

Water is a mineral drink that is consumed by all living things, including humans. The function of white air when drunk by humans as a substance that is useful for launching the body, giving oxygen intake, regulating body temperature and cleaning the whole body.

In a day humans must drink at least 2 liters of white water or 8 glasses of white air. In order to build the body’s working system optimally and maintain a healthy body so that energy is reduced to normal.

Dehydration often occurs in many people. These things include body fluids that have thinned even to the point of being exhausted, which results in abnormal blood sugar levels.

It can be indicated that white air is very vital. There are still many who underestimate drinking 2 liters of white air a day. For that we must start from the people, so that people can do their lives by routinely drinking at least 8 glasses of white air a day.

The example of the text above is the Analytical Exposition Text because the text provides an argument that Cramming or what we often call learning the overnight speeding system (SKS) is not good for students. In addition, the text has the same characteristics and structure as the characteristic and structure of the Analytical Exposition Text, namely:

Characteristic features:

  • It is an argumentative text with supporting reasons.

As we can see, the text is presented with several reasons that support the argument.

  • Using the present tense

All sentences in the text use the Present Tense.

Example: drinking 2 liter white water a day

  • Using conjunctions.

The connecting words that we can find in the text are.

  • Use evaluative words.

The evaluative words that we can find in the text are, for example, bad, great, good, and negative.

  • Using causal conjunctions for example because.

The structure of the power benefits of water

Power Benefits of Water


Water has many benefits, including a system that loses after a day of activity. But there are some problems that are often ignored by humans, namely lazy to drink water.


Water is a mineral drink that is consumed by all living things, including humans. The function of white air when drunk by humans as a substance that is useful for launching the body, giving oxygen intake, regulating body temperature and cleaning the whole body.

In a day humans must drink at least 2 liters of white water or 8 glasses of white air. In order to build the body’s working system optimally and maintain a healthy body so that energy is reduced to normal. Dehydration often occurs in many people. These things include body fluids that have thinned even to the point of being exhausted, which results in abnormal blood sugar levels.


It can be indicated that white air is very vital. There are still many who underestimate drinking 2 liters of white air a day. For that we must start from the people, so that people can do their lives by routinely drinking at least 8 glasses of white air a day.


based on what I have observed from the exposition text, it can be concluded that Exposition text has two forms namely Hortatory and Analytical. Beside both have different name, there is also a difference on how the genres consist of. In the Analytical exposition text, the generic structures will be Thesis, Arguments, and conclusion , but on Hortatory Exposition text, the generic structures are Thesis, Arguments, and Recommendation.  it is the conclusion and Recommendation. The conclusion will just conclude the text, but not the Recommendation.

that's all the explanation from my blog. hopefully it can be understood and get benefits for readers. That is all and thank you.❤❤

this is my conversation with my friend named tiara. I asked about the exposition text

thanks for reading my blog, I hope you are happy and entertained 🐾


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