Hello everyone, i'm Aulia Putri, i will explain to all readers about asking suggestion and offering. 
let me explain for detils.

Suggestions and offering it differently, suggestions are when you reveal ideas,suggest for others, before someone makes a decision  while offering is when you offer help to others, the person we offer may accept or reject the offer. In general,  "Suggest " means something that you propose for someone else to do. Offering is something you propose to do yourself.
one way to do this is to use the word "shall", which means next.

shall I / We + verb 1
- shall we go to mall?
- shall i apologize to him?
- what shall i say to my sister?

giving suggestion is way for someone to give advice for others who has problem.Offers are done a lot, in companies, in schools, in markets and wherever you must have done an offer right?  Who knows when you are walking around you meet tourists who are confused and can offer help.  Now, to enrich your knowledge in English, and to find out what kind of dialogue can be used to make an offer, this article will present ways to make an offer, reject or accept an offer along with an example of the dialogue.

to use expression use:


  • You should + V1
  • You had better + V1
  • You ought to + V1
  • I advise you to + V1
  • I suggest you to + V1
  • I recommend you to + V

accepting suggestion

-okay i will try
-good idea
-thanks,i will try your advice
-okay,thank you very much for the advice
-alright lets do that

declining suggestion

-i dont think that would help

-i cant do that
-i think it won't solve anything
-that would be a bad idea
-no thanks,i can't do that

Giving offer:
some example of expressions giving offer that we could use
-would you like a coffee
-would you to try a english course
-is there anything you want
-is there something i can help?
-what would you like

accepting offer
-yes please
-yes,thank you very much!
-thank you!
-that's so nice

Declining offer
-no thanks
-im sorry i cant
-i dont think i cant
-no sorry,but thanks for offering
-ah no sorry,but thanks


Example dialouge
Aulia:hi dir,how are you?

Dearni: hi aul, i'm fine thank u, how about you?

Aulia: i'm fine thank you.

Aulia: yesterday i saw you a post about something in your blog, it looks amazing, your writing is beautiful.

Dearni: serously, i dont have a confidence to post it   

Aulia : since when do you like writing ?

Dearni : i loved writing since when i was little , i also really loved reading books

Aulia : i think you should start writing a book , and i think everyone will like it .

Dearni : okay , i ' ll try it 

Dearni : i also want to like what you said , but imma little unsure .

Aulia : you should to try this ! i heard that next week there will be a book exhabition for new writers , you have to come !

Dearni : im still a little unsure , but i ' ll give it a try

Aulia : you must be sure of your writing skill , it is very beautiful

Dearni : but , what theme should be prepared for the exhibition ?

Dearni : do you have any advice?

Aulia : how about the topic being discussed lately ?

Aulia : hmmm , why not about new normal or covid ?

Dearni : look interesting . i will write about the dangers of covid and about new normal traditions .

Aulia : thats a very good idea , Dearni .

Dearni: i will start writing..

Aulia : may i give u a ride to the exhibition?

Dearni : thank you so much

Aulia : no problem

Dearni : see you , Aul !

Aulia : see you later , Dir

1.  Aulia:you should try this! (giving suggestion)
2.  Dearni:i'll give it a try  (Accepting suggestion)
3. Dearni:do you have any advice (asking suggestion)
4. Aulia:may i give you a ride to the exhibition (offering)
5. Dearni:thank you so much (accepting offer)


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