hello, i'm aulia and i will explain about opinion and thought
opinion is a view or jugdement formed about something,not necessarily
based on a fact or knowledge or the belief view of some people
or a statement by an expert on a professional matter.
regarding the use of expressing opinion is no different from the understanding of expressing opinion that has been understood before. In the application of daily life, the purpose and use expressing opinion is to express opinions, ideas or opinion from the perspective of others about a phenomenon ( topic of discussion ) that occurs.
expressions to ask for opinion
-what do you think
-whats your opinion
-do you have a idea
-do you have a comment on this
phrases or word for giving opinion
-i think..
-in my opinion..
-from my view i think..
-i feel like..
Asking Opinion or Giving Opinion
In my opinion....
I think.....
What I mean is.....
Personally I think.....
In my experience.....
According to me.....
I strongly believe that.....
As far as I am concerned.....
From my point of view.....
As I understand.....
As I see it.....
I reckon.....
I am compelled to say.....
By this I mean.....
To my mind.....
Would like to point out that.....
In my humble opinion.....
1. Expression of asking opinion
- Do you have any idea?
- Do you have any opinion on …
- Do you think is/are …
- Have you got any comments on …
- What is your opinion about….?
- What are you feeling about….?
2) Informal
- What do you think of…….?
- What do you think about…?
- What is your idea/opinion...?
- How do you like?
- How do you think of Rina’s idea ?
2. Expressions of Giving Opinion
There are expressions of giving opinion in two situations:
1) Formal
- I personally believe …..
- I personally consider ….
- I personally think /feel ….
- I hold the opinion ….
- Well, personally …
2) Informal
- I think it’s good/nice/great …
- I think that…
- I think I like it.
- In my opinion …
- In my case …..
- In my mind …..
- I believe ...
- If you ask to me, I feel ….
💓Agreeing with an Opinion
- Of course
- Neither do I
- This is absolutely right
- I agree with this opinion
- I could'nt agree more
- I agree with what you are saying but have you ever.....
Disagreeing with an Opinion
- I am sorry, i don't agree with you
- I do not believe that
- By this I mean...
- I am afraid I have to disagree with you
- I can't say i agree with this , and here's why...
Agreeing with an Opinion
Of course.
This is absolutely right.
I agree with this opinion.
I couldn't agree more.
I agree with what you are saying.
I agree, I never thought of that.
Neither do I.
That's a good point.
I think so too.
Disagreeing with an opinion
I am sorry, I don't agree with you.
I am not sure I agree with you.
I don't agree with you.
I am afraid I have to disagree with you.
I do not believe that.
By this I mean.....
I disagree with you.
I think you are wrong.
That's not the same thing at all.
It is not justified to say so.
I am not convinced that.....
I can't say I agree with this, and here's why...
accepting a opinion
-sounds good to me
-lets do it
-i agree
-i think thats a good idea
▪︎ I + agree + with what you are saying
▪︎ We + assume + you are biased on this issue
💓dialogue about asking and giving opinion
Aulia:hey dir
Dir: hi aul
Aulia:how is your day?
Dir:great,how yours?
Aulia: good
Dir:by the way,why you call me?
Aulia: i was wondering if you wanna
hang out tomorrow
Dir:where we going tomorrow?
Aulia:do you have any opinion?
Dir: i think we should go to a cafe
Aulia:good idea! Lets meet at my house
Dir:okay,see you tommorow!
Aulia:oh and dont forget to wear your
Dir:okay thanks for reminding me!
conclusion of dialogue about opinion:
1. do you have any opinion? (asking opinion)
2. i think we should go to cafe. (giving opinion)
video dialogue opinion:
definition of thought
idea produced by thinking or the procress of thinking.
Though as a conjunction (conjunction) starts an adverbial clause and relates it to the main clause in a complex sentence. The adverbial clause can be in front or in the middle of a sentence. If in front of a sentence, a comma is usually pinned afterwards to separate it from the main clause.
Though at the Beginning of Sentence:
adverbial clause (though + S + V +/- ...) +, + main clause (S + V +/- ...)
Thoughts at the End of Sentences:
main clause (S + V +/- ...) + adverbial clause (though + S + V +/- ...)
This conjunction is used in a statement (adverbial clause) which makes the main statement (main clause) sound surprising or surprising. The meaning is "despite of the fact that" (despite the fact that). Synonym although
Used with adjectives
"I've been having some bad thoughts about this trip"
"A strange thought came over me."
"That was my first thought."
"Would you like to share your private thoughts with me?"
Used with verbs:
"Let's share our thoughts about the movie."
"She went for a walk to clear her thoughts."
Used with prepositions
"What are your thoughts on the political situation?"
Aulia:hey dir have you heard about the
news about a korean artist that suicide because of the bullying and nasty
comments she received
Dir:yeah, i heard about it,i feel so
sad about it
Aulia:me too,i can’t really believe that people would give
her nasty comment and bully her
Dir:yeah, i thought people should be
more careful with their word,we may think its like a small teasing but we dont
know how much its effect to other person
Aulia:i agree,it effect the person so
Dir:i know right many people suicide
because of bullying
Aulia:oh and have anyone in our school
have ever been bullied
Dir:so far never
Aulia:i hope that bullying would never
happend in our school
After I read it.. The material presented was complete because there was an example of the dialogue , but there was a question, what was the difference between opinion and thought, where was it?
Name: Raden Ajeng Kartini Place and date of birth: Jepara, Central Java, 21 April 1879 Place and date of death: Rembang, Central Java, 17 September 1984 Age: 25 years Parents’ name Father: Raden Mas Adipati Ario Sosroningrat Mother: M.A Ngasirah Family’s name Husband: K.R.M. Adipati Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat Child: Raden Mas Soesalit R.A Kartini’s Childhood Raden Adjeng Kartini was born in Jepara on April 21, 1876. She comes from a noble family. Her father, Raden Mas Adipati Ario Sosroningrat is a regent who governed Jepara at that time. While her mother, MA Ngasirah descended from the common people. Like the other children from noble descent in general, she lived in prosperity and strict Javanese rules. She is the 5th child of 11 brothers and sisters coming from her biological and stepmother. Among her siblings from her biological mother, she is the eldest daughter. R.A Kartini studied in the ELS School (Europese Lagere School). She studied Dutch language there, so th...
After I read it.. The material presented was complete because there was an example of the dialogue , but there was a question, what was the difference between opinion and thought, where was it?